Nursery Age 0 - Lesson 2

(Follow the links to learn more about using the ideas listed.)


Week One: Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
Week Two: Piggies by Audrey Wood

Nursery Rhyme

I Had a Little Nut Tree


"The Wind" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Bible Selections

Psalms 8: 1-9


"A Snake in the Garden" from The Rhyme Bible by L. J. Sattgast

Speech & Vocabulary

Naming: (at dressing time) shirt, pants, socks, hat, diaper, dress, coat, undershirt, sweater, arms, legs...

Classical Music

Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

Baby Game

Who's in the Mirror?  (Hold a mirror up to your baby, or stand in front of one, and ask your baby who it is.  Laugh, make faces, have fun.)


Brahm's Lullaby

Foreign Language


Play a CD in the foreign language of your choice daily.
If you speak another language, speak to your baby in that language daily in addition to English.


Suggestion:  Choose an exercise from an exercise book to use with your baby daily.

Baby Massage

Suggestion:  Massage your baby daily or when needed.


Copyright © 2002 - 2003 by Katrina Lybbert.  All Rights Reserved.